Recovery support tools

How do I know if TSM isn’t working for me?

  In this short video excerpt from our Tackling the Tough TSM Questions live stream on Twitch, C Three Foundation CEO Claudia Christian and Executive Director Jenny Williamson discuss how someone will actually know when the Sinclair Method isn’t working.   Watch the full video Tackling the Tough TSM Questions on our YouTube channel. DISCLAIMER:…

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What does extinction mean?

In this short video excerpt from our Tackling the Tough TSM Questions live stream on Twitch, C Three Foundation CEO Claudia Christian and Executive Director Jenny Williamson discuss the definition of extinction and how people will know when they have “reached” it.   Watch the full video Tackling the Tough TSM Questions on our YouTube…

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Tracking Drinks: Standard Units of Alcohol

writing with computer or paper

One of the simplest concepts in alcohol reduction and moderation, tracking one’s alcohol-containing drinks, can also be one of the most confusing to understand. Perhaps part of the confusion comes from the often touted and complete oversimplification of one shot = one beer = one glass of wine. Unfortunately, this one equation could be part…

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The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a process

It seems that almost every single day we hear some variation of the same question that ends like this—“Does this mean the Sinclair Method (TSM) isn’t working for me?” The question typically follows a short explanation that follows a standard pattern: I’ve recently started TSM. It’s been (insert range of time between a day and…

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