Quick Links: C Three Foundation Resources
We understand that finding the information you need may feel overwhelming. That's why we created this page as a curated resource map.
It's similar to a site map, but covers all of our content and social media.
Links may appear in multiple places on the page as they are relevant to multiple categories.
Our Websites
C Three Foundation (home)
Your Sinclair Method (TSM Coaching)
One Little Pill (documentary film)
C Three Foundation (info for medical and mental health professionals)
C3 Canada (TSM information specific to Canada)
Getting Started on TSM
Peer Support
Options Save Lives (forum)
TSM Beginnings (private Facebook group)
The Sinclair Method (TSM) Peer Support #OptionsSaveLives (private Facebook group)
TSM Support for Family & Friends (private Facebook group)
Social Media (Other)
The Sinclair Method (Facebook)
Babylon Confidential (Facebook)
Virtual Conference
Redefining Recovery (June 10-12, 2022)
Stronger Than Your Drink (June 12-13, 2021)
2020 Virtual Conference (June 13, 2020)