What is the SOS Program?
It can be difficult for those who have watched their loved one struggle with harmful drinking. Sleepless nights, eroded trust, and potentially sacrificing one's own needs to help in the recovery efforts of the one they love.
With this in mind, it is understandable that we often hear how difficult it can be for people beginning the Sinclair Method to convince a spouse, family member, or friend that they are committed to recovery. Unfortunately, we hear this too often.
Well-meaning people may not understand that they may be unintentionally making recovery more difficult for those they love. They have heard about "tough love," and may be wary of becoming "an enabler." Maybe they believe TSM is "an excuse to drink" or are simply weary of relapses...not quite grasping that the failure is on the part of the treatment industry, not the person they care about.
We've developed a program to help.
How does it work?
Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change is written for those who support others in their recovery. It discusses addiction, motivation, self care, and more in plain (but scientifically sound) language. We believe this book can help those who struggle with alcohol use disorder by helping strengthen their support system.
The SOS Resource Pack includes:
- Beyond Addiction
- Tips from Claudia Christian
- Introductory letter explaining the SOS program
- Our newest flier that has TSM 101 & the QR code to the science of TSM
- C Three Foundation flier
- Code for free digital copy of One Little Pill (via email)
How much does it cost?
The cost is $29.99 plus shipping and handling for Beyond Addiction, a code for a free digital copy of One Little Pill, and our Support System Guide to Understanding TSM.
During our pilot program, we were able to offer the book for no cost to 25 people around the world. As much as we would love to continue offering this book for free, that program model led to a 12-month interruption in the program. If you would like a copy of the support materials, but are unable to afford the $29.99, please contact us and we will add you to our upcoming SOS grant list to receive the materials for only the cost of shipping.
How does my donation help?
Every $30 donation to the Significant Other Support program will be used to provide 1 set of the material (book, digital film access, and support system guide) for only the cost of shipping for those who are unable to afford the full cost.