Contact Us


EIN: 46-3069411

Mailing Address

C Three Foundation
15050 W 138th St Unit 2891
Olathe, KS 66063


The work we do would not be possible without the support of our donors and sponsors.

How can I help?

Many of you have expressed interest in helping the C Three Foundation with your time and talents in addition to your funds and we are grateful for your interest.

The mission of C Three is to help save the lives of those with alcohol use disorder worldwide. We aim to educate those who are dependent on alcohol, healthcare providers, and friends and family about the most successful long term treatment for alcoholism: the Sinclair Method.

If you have skills you are willing to donate to help us further the C Three mission, please, let us know by sending us a message.

Contact the C Three Foundation

To directly contact the C Three Foundation, submit a testimonial, or to request access to our Find a Provider page, please send us an email or DM us on Twitter.

Get Updates

We occasionally send out a newsletter with updates about The Sinclair Method, our organization, and general alcohol use and treatment issues. Sign up below to stay in touch with the latest news and information from C Three Foundation.

Interview / Booking Requests

If you would like Claudia Christian to speak about the Sinclair Method at your event, or for media inquiries, including information about the C Three Foundation, the Sinclair Method, or scheduling an interview for radio, television, or print media, please send an email using the contact methods listed above.